Monday, April 25, 2005

Locus Ruine (Part 3) Points VIII, IX, X, XI

A Point on the American West(erns)

Scene: Zen Vegan Smoke Shop/Café in Yuppie City, USofA

A pen is an (inner) compass
but lets brighten the neo-conservative
neon-fire baptism in moans
straight laced bump fuckin’ whore.

Excuse my tone but the word is out:
Best of the West is dead, cocksucker.

Whispering in my ear
how she told me *#@&!
under corporate bleached nostrils.

Crimson state confusion aqua bodies,
exploit the nature of emergent bloodshed,
MSNBS soapbox errata orgasmic.

Drudge the sewer for inter-media conglomerates
like John Wayne flipping preservative hamburgers
reduced to begging for another Sandinista or Bay of Pigs.

Liberal news blog backsplash like mouthwash in the sink,
a green residue remains like the money lined pockets
as the seed splintered onto a concrete slab oozing machismo.

I wrote this down inspired by flatness
genetically enhanced grass and salt of the sphere.
Her hair mixed in her eyes hiding pieces of her,
speckled in my blotched sight through lunar brightness.
A future seemed unimportant in a constant embrace.
her voice speaking of the lack of trueness in my being.
She held my thin stubs, gentle circles engrained touch.
Navigation from each globe around and around
tra-la-la-la melodies gorge beneath the lips.
In this moment her warmth cleanses as shingles shake
her name gently blown in my ear.


Proxy Sam Elliots pillage the villages, free radicals
infected periodicals smearing smoke-stains from the ink
St. Petersburg was certainly no paradise under Peter.

[Point] On Flight

Midnight smoke crisp, rushes through my nostrils
as Columbian coffee purrs in disposable foam.
Newspapers dispersed across shag carpet floors

blurred stories in newsprint,
black & grey fingertips remain

while faces rippled and obtuse revel in checkpoints.
Translucent neon reflection numb

destination : destruction.

I like “d” words.
The enjoyment of hour and a half searches
“d”etecting if terror is atleast admissible
in court, grounded in the middle-
ground of justice and truth.

Sao Paul never seemed so brutal and honest,
wild flashes staring at the American imported from New York
never did the “Body of an American” mean so much.

[wide mouth amazement]
Fed with paydays and “d”iet Coke,
watch out they have razor sharp industry.

Two linguistic parallels squander so close
in language yet far apart in meaning.

[the film ended cut to cassette walkman, outdated, no eye-pod] Bruce Springsteen never sounded so free[da-dum].

Blue Bodies

What would Pound do?
with pudding skin pollution
wonder in shades of dark waves
lackluster in moist details.
Legs spread feet arched,
while a bubble floats to the top.
Gently splashing evasion
like a washer rotating on ‘econo-safe’ cycle.
Useless advances reverberate
scratchy numbers line up on a notebook.
Industry cannot apply practical ability,
yet our novice illogical comprehension
ss easily commodified, expired, or outdated.
A big river becomes a watering hole
baptize me in Baltimore’s natural bohemia.
The rye cries of whiskey sink in Old Bay,
harboring all but sprinkled in Natty Boh.
Head to toe, emerge talk in tongues
deep in Dundalk preaching words
to jobless, toothless, hopeless repeating
“less is more” in a disjointed scene.
A holistic man with gentle whisper
preaching to the crowd, disciples stumble
harmonic processions as nude bodies
contort in towels and togas.

The Point About Evacuation

Sympathy in screeching wheels
words spread about black top
signs point to routes to be taken in an emergency.
Unending and wet like the pages
burning holes in a pocket.
Sharp coy phrases, paper thin in touch,
plans fragile in existence.
Excessive in absorption :
M o I s T n u m b n e s s.
Whitman scoffs with beady eyes
objective glances without a forward motion.
Feet walk, feet talk for miles and blocks
I hear Babylon is not burning but lost.
Lets do lunch in hallways after scares,
to error is divine but to terrorize is American.
Clint East meets Roy West
spaghetti format (bang bang shoot em up)
a showdown in Phoenix City.
Subliminal advertisements signal low warning
exhale sheer brutality of post modern comfort.

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